How to Stop Gambling

Different people handle gambling in different ways. For most people, it's enough to get the excitement of playing during their sessions, and after that, they are ready to go on with the rest of their lives no matter if they've won or lost. For a small minority, however, it's just not that simple. Due to genetic factors or a general predisposition, some people are prone to addictive behavior when it comes to gambling. This form of compulsive gambling is a pretty big deal because it can completely ruin lives and break up families.

If you find yourself in a situation where you rationally know that you should stop gambling, but you find that you keep going back, then we want to help you to find a way to help yourself to stop. It's not easy, but with the right resources, you can make it happen.

Identifying Compulsive Gambling Habits

Some people aren't sure if they have some form of gambling addiction. This is because problem gambling isn't always a black or white issue, and there are several shades of gray in between. The general idea, however, is that gambling is a problem when you gamble with money or at times that you've previously decided you wouldn't.

For most people, bankroll management is a good example of identifying compulsive gambling behavior. If you set up a budget for your play each month, but you always run over that budget without being able to stick to it, then chances are that you have some fairly serious levels of problem gambling going on, and you should probably seek help.

Gamblers Anonymous and Support Options

One of the most well-known support groups for compulsive gamblers is Gamblers Anonymous. They use a variation of what's known as the "12-step program," which involves acknowledging your problem, doing your best to mitigate any damage your problem has done to yourself and those in your life, and putting yourself in an environment where the chances of getting back to gambling are minimized. Having support from people who have been through what you're going through is really important because you don't feel like you're being judged as harshly, which is one of the main things that keeps most people from getting help in the first place.

Stopping Gambling Now and Getting Help

If you're ready to stop gambling, then a good place to start is using the self-exclusion options on any websites you use for various forms of gambling. Most of them are required to give you an option to restrict access to play from your account (though you can still cash out your account balance) if you ask for it, so if you don't see an option in the software, then contact support. Then you should immediately make a phone call to a local support group for gambling to start the process.